My name is Jeanette Frost Ebstrup and I am a Mindchanger.
I´m on a mission to help people flourish and live on the plus-side of life – not just accepting to let life pass.
Life has its ups and downs for everyone, but why do you settle for “neutral”. Why is being in “neutral” the best you can do. Doing okay and not experiencing adversity is great – but you settle for neutral !
Instead you should flourish and be well – not just “survive”.
- Not being ill doesn´t mean you are well
- Not being unhappy doesn´t mean that you are happy
- Not being poor doesn´t mean that you are having wealth
……. – it simply means that you are in NEUTRAL
I´m on a mission to help people find their true path spending time doing what they love the most. Time is precious and it should be spend well.
I´m on a mission of telling people that the flourishing mindset is possible – with determination, dedication, perseverance and patience – but mostly by taking action
The flourishing mindset is science based and it is a skillset that you can learn. If I can do it – so can you.
I´m also in my middle years. I have grown up children and I have tried the recognition and assets of having a carrier job for many years. Read about my background
But I wasn’t happy – so I became a mindchanger.
Life “in the middle” presents many challenges for body, mind and psyche – not least a growing uncertainty of “who am I?”
Maybe you sense a need to change, but how? An inner turmoil like this is a huge, but also invisible, stress burden that wears on body and mind.
It sure did to me – and I became a mindchanger.
Most people wait and expect this change to come from the outside. They expect that something externally has to make them feel something different and better internally. But such a strategy only provides short-term success. Most people have a quiet desire for change, but never take action.
They do not take action because it is too uncertain and out of the comfort zone and because all change is hard work!
Most people dream about change, but postpone – because life gets in the way and one day takes the next. Why is it that we first really listen to our intuitive longing for change the day the “catastrophe” comes?
Changing your mind – looking within and prioritizing – is your first step in taking action. Finding out what really matters. What is missing in your life – what gives it meaning?
Time is the only asset which is equal for us all – spend it wisely.
You might find that the lifestyle you live has to change and your time has to be spend differently. I did and I became a mindchanger.
You have to dream and find your “why”, but don´t just stop there. A dream without action stays a dream, but a dream with action becomes a goal.
You not only dream – you go on a journey. You take the first step into the unknown. You plan and act and put one foot in front of the other. You decide to learn who you are deepest within and how it is in harmony with who you want to be.
You are becoming a mindchanger.
I would like to share with you the insights and experience from my own journey. How to dream – plan and take action towards a fulfilling life in line with who you really are and how to determine which navigation course to be set for your future life.
Reach out to me and share your story with me. Let us help each other.